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Better Together: Ricardo Castro & David Truong form Dads Club

Marin Horizon

As Ricardo Castro and David Truong each reached their five-year marker as Marin Horizon parents, they separately asked the same important question, “How do we meet more dads?” While they happily attended family activities like drumming circles and movie nights, the challenge lay in forging connections amidst the focus on their children.

Ricardo Castro and family

In a perfect example of ask and you shall receive, they found each other almost immediately. Inspired by their common desire to create a space where Marin Horizon dads could share experiences and build friendships, Ricardo and David formed the Dads Club. The Dads Club promises engaging events, fostering an environment where members can get together, stay active, and build meaningful relationships within the Marin Horizon community. Their inaugural Dads Club event took place on Monday, April 22—Earth Day!

David Truong and family

What are you looking for in the Marin Horizon community? Don’t hold back from asking for it; chances are, other families are seeking the same opportunities. We believe we can strengthen our community by creating the connections we crave.

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